
Week 3 Announcements – Oct 1st – 7th

Sandwiches for the Homies

Saturday, October 25th 2014 1200-1400
Yes the event is called Sandwiches for the Homeless, but I’m just having fun with it. Join us at 12 for prep and 13 (that’s 1 in normal person talk) for distribution.


When Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane he invited us to join him through his anxiety and abandonment before he was crucified. Today we can continue to share our lives with him during adoration to offer up our struggles and thank him for what he has given us. After every mass there is adoration from 4:30-5:30 ending with evening prayer. Adoration and Evening Prayer is a great opportunity to connect with God and say ‘Hi’. If you would like to attend adoration or lead Vespers every week there is a signup sheet that has been posted outside the chapel.

Liturgy of the Hours

Ever wondered what happens after weekday Mass. We’ll there’s this special thing that the monks do called the Liturgy of the Hours. It’s done several times a day and called different things, but it’s a simple prayer that is done at 5:10 PM.

Threads of Hope

You’ve heard it before, and here it is again. We are still selling threads like crazy. Wanna get one of these stylish bands it’s only $2 and it’s for a good cause.

Clothing Drive

Rev up your Harley…wait…wrong drive. If you still have cloths that you don’t really need anymore let them go to a new home.


Week 2 Announcements – Sept 24th – 31st

Movie Night

Saturday, Sept 27 @7pm

Take some time to chill and unwind this Saturday night. Immediately following SNS this week, the exec will be hosting a movie night open to all. We hope to see you there!

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mass

Every Wednesday at our 4:00pm mass we will have a special dedication to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
*Ask Katie!*

Lector Meeting

Sunday September 28th 2:00PM – Newman Centre

Being a lector involves proclaiming the Scripture readings during Sunday Mass and thereby offering your voice as a means by which God’s people listen to his Word. Our first lectors meeting will be this Sunday September 28th at 2:00PM at Newman. If you would like to be a lector for this year we would love to see you there!

Faith Studies

Faith studies are groups of 4-6 men or women who meet once a week for six weeks during the semester to go through a study about the Catholic faith. It is open to both Catholics and non-Catholics. Many students enjoy the new friendships they form and having an opportunity every week to spend some time growing in their faith. If you are interested in joining please send your availability to as soon as possible so the Faith Study co-ordinators can put you in a group.

Adoration and Evening Prayer

Adoration and Evening Prayer is a great opportunity to connect with God. After every mass there is adoration from 4:30-5:30 ending with evening prayer. If you would like to attend adoration or lead Vespers every week there is a signup sheet that has been posted outside the chapel.


Every Friday our 4:00pm Mass will be said for the Newman Catholic Students’ Society. Please join us!
*Ask Katie!*


Remember SNS is every Saturday at 6 PM. If you want good food and good company come then to the Centre. Have an idea? Sign up and impress those around you.

Theology Thursdays: “Just War”

Thursday @ 7pm

Professor Douglas Farrow of the faculty of Religious Studies will be joining us this Thursday to talk to us about the Catholic Churches teaching regarding “Just War”. Tea and cookies will be provided.

YOUCAT on Tap: The Lord’s Prayer

Friday 5:30PM – 7PM

What is YOUCAT on Tap? See answer below!

Jesus’ entire life was a single continuous prayer. The gospel writers also recount many instances when Jesus withdrew to pray, when he prayed publicly, and that faithful day when one of his disciples ask him: “Lord, teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1). Jesus responded by teaching his disciples “The Lord’s Prayer” or “The Our Father”. The “Lord’s Prayer is the only prayer that Jesus himself taught His disciples. St Thomas Aquinas described it as “the most perfect prayer”. Tertullian described it as “the summary of the whole Gospel”.

Many of us know this prayer by heart, but few of us have stopped to ponder what it means. This Friday, with the help of our YOUCATs, we will explore the rich teaching and spiritual meditation found within The Lord’s Prayer. Beer and pizza will be served at 5pm, & YOUCAT will begin at 5:30pm.

If you are attending the Challenge Weekend, a group will be leaving the Newman Centre at 7pm and taking the metro to St Willibrords in Verdun.

What is YOUCAT on Tap?

YOUCAT on Tap is an open faith/theology/ethics/life discussion group that meets every Friday afternoon. Using the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, we attempt to answer your questions about God & life. YOUCAT on Tap is open to anyone with questions about the Catholic faith (whether you are Catholic or not, whether you believe in God or not).

Ecumenical Prayer on Sunday Nights!

“I ask…on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me.” (John 17:20-23)

Would you like to come together with other Christian groups on campus to celebrate unity and ask more for the love and power of God in his ministry in McGill through us? Come join us each Sunday at 7:00 pm in the Presbyterian College auditorium (basement) for praise and worship, testimonies as to how God is working in the different groups and individuals, and to PRAY PRAY PRAY – for this city, this campus, and one another. If you’re interested in going, feel free to head on over, invite your friends, or contact VP Outreach Katie at for more details (or to be your personal buddy to tag along with you!). Peace to you!


Adoration and Evening Prayer


Adoration and Evening Prayer:

Weekdays: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

Adoration and Evening Prayer is a great opportunity to connect with God. After every mass there is adoration from 4:30-5:30 ending with evening prayer. If you would like to attend adoration or lead Vespers every week there is a signup sheet that has been posted outside the chapel.


Sandwiches for The Homeless

If you want a break from the lull and dull of school, or if you haven’t gotten out much due to mid-terms, I say why not let this be your chance to get out and do something for the community? We are having a Sandwiches for the Homeless next Saturday at the Newman Centre, and then proceeding to walks around downtown Montreal and we would very much love to have you join us! All the details are stated below, mark your calendars, and hope to see you there!

DATE: February 21st, 2015

Just like the last time and forever will be, details as follows:

PREPARATION = 12:00 – 1:00 pm

DISTRIBUTION = 1:00pm – 2:00pm

WHERE? Newman Centre – along Peel just below its intersection with Docteur-Penfield. and of course all round downtown Montreal.
PS: We welcome donations of any food stuffs that you may want to bring for the lovelies we’re gonna visit. Just fill in this google doc and your set!

PPS: The preparation and distribution is by no means a block activity, feel free to pop in and out of the separate events, if you aren’t too comfortable with going out into the streets of Montreal, we would love your help with preparation or will take donations and vice versa or any way around (you get the drift)



With Jesus at the Center: Ruth’s Experiences with Faith Studies

Dear Old, New and Future Newmanites,

I’d like to share some thoughts with you about Faith Studies, which have their home in the Newman Centre on the McGill campus.

After Mass in the Newman centre, a friendly girl simply asked me “Would you like to take part in a faith study?” I asked: “What is it?”

Faith studies: Small groups of ladies and small groups of men meet together once a week or so to pray together and discover more about their faith.

Initial thoughts: I wondered whether this was something intended for me. Something that I would ‘get something’ from – or whether I should politely, but firmly just say – “I’m afraid I’m a bit too busy”. I am so glad that it was a friendly, encouraging face who asked me to consider faith studies; I am so glad “I’m busy” wasn’t my response.

I took part in the first series of studies in the autumn term of last year – it is affectionately known as ‘Disco’. The series title is apt- Discovery of the heart of the Gospel Message. Through weekly meetings in which our group prayed together, expressed our understanding of the Faith, and offered our personal experiences of living of Christian life to each other, I was humbled by the faith of my friends, given courage to live out my faith and discovered for my life, the importance of making time to pray – to create time for Lord in my hectic McGill and exchange student schedule. Disco armed me with the words to express my faith to others simply and with clarity. What a huge gift that is in evangelisation- how often might we allow someone to come closer to Christ if we would only share with them the Gospel message.

In the second term, I participated in the next series of studies – “Source” is about the Holy Spirit. The faith study resources are rich. I particularly valued the times when we studied small passages of Scripture. How wonderful to be able to read passages of the Bible to each other, talk, question and discuss it and then pray together. Coming to meet my group for faith studies was something I looked forward to during the week, but I began to realise that meeting for faith studies was interesting, but increasingly helping to bring me closer to Jesus Christ. Sometimes, our group would finish our studies, and then attend Mass together. Faith Studies gave me the opportunity to consider how I could organise myself and build my life with Jesus Christ at the centre.

I pray that many of you will find the time and courage to join a faith study group this term or next. I pray that the Holy Spirit inspires you to share with your friends as you as you journey, deepening your faith in the Risen Lord.


Ruth and her Faith Study Group
Ruth and her Faith Study Group

Week 1 Announcements – Sept 16th – 23rd

Faith Studies

If you’re interested in doing a faith study or being a leader, we still need both of you. Also if you haven’t sent in your schedules/free times send them in to

Liturgy of the Hours

Do you know what this is about because I don’t If you do know you can sign up for a time on the chapel doors. If not and you want to learn join us for Vespers at 5:15 PM.

Clothing Drive

Clothing drive is still going on. Drop off your donations to the Benedict Labre House in the Bagelounge. It’s going on until mid October.


Join the executives as we offer up a Mass for the NCSS. Prayer is best done in the presence of a community.
Fridays at 4:00PM

Sandwiches for the Homeless

Next week (Saturday) this time (12PM) we’ll be feeding those who can’t feed themselves. Join us as we make sandwiches and then distribute them to the homeless (around 1 PM). Acts of kindness should touch everyone.

YOUCAT on Tap: The Battle of Prayer

Having a prayer life, whether personal or communal, is difficult. The “battle of prayer”, as the catechism describes it, manifests itself in a variety of ways. Sometimes it’s laziness. Sometimes it’s the feeling that praying isn’t helping. Sometimes its distractions. Sometimes it’s discouragement from the dry periods. Sometimes it’s questioning whether God even exists and if he does exist whether he is listening.This Friday at YOUCAT on Tap we will be exploring some of the most common struggles with prayer. Beer and pizza starts at 5pm, and YOUCAT begins at 5:30pm. All are welcome!

What is YOUCAT on Tap?

YOUCAT on Tap is a faith/ethics/theology/life discussion group that meets every Friday from 5:30 to 7pm. YOUCAT is open to everyone who has questions about faith and life. Using the YOUCAT, video resources, and group discussion we address your questions using a Catholic lens. YOUCAT is open to Catholics and non-Catholics, believers and the spiritually curious.

Mass this week

This week’s Mass is the Commissioning Mass for the NCSS. Help welcome in the new execs with your prayers and help us ask God to guide us in our leadership of your club.

Duc in Altum “A year for your future”

Info session: Sunday September 21 @ 6:30pm<
“And Jesus turned to Simon and said, put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4). Duc in Altum (DIA) is a discernment  experienced for young adults. Over a series of 6 day long encounter and two weekend retreats spread across the year, participants “put out into the deep” learning more about themselves and about the Catholic faith. For more information, join us for the information session on Sunday Sept 21 @ 6:30pm

Challenge Weekend

September 26th-28th

The Challenge Weekend is a Catholic young adults retreat organized by other young adults. Challenge is a weekend centered around the “challenge” (pun intended) of living the christian life in today’s culture, spoken through the personal testimony of other young people. The weekend includes a number of talks, as well as, group discussion, prayer, games, food, and fellowship. Both practicing Catholics and people re-discovering their faith find the Challenge weekend to be an enriching experience. For more info, or to register, please visit:

Ecumenical Prayer on Sunday Nights!

“I ask…on behalf of those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them as you have loved me.” (John 17:20-23)

Would you like to come together with other Christian groups on campus to celebrate unity and ask more for the love and power of God in his ministry in McGill through us? Come join us each Sunday at 7:00 pm in the Presbyterian College auditorium (basement) for praise and worship, testimonies as to how God is working in the different groups and individuals, and to PRAY PRAY PRAY – for this city, this campus, and one another. If you’re interested in going, feel free to head on over, invite your friends, or contact VP Outreach Katie at for more details (or to be your personal buddy to tag along with you!). Peace to you!


Update on the McGill Interfaith Student Council

interfatihMcGill Interfaith Student Council (MISC) is ready for its second year of action. Our first year as a newly formed Council last academic year was a huge success. The Council saw about 10 to 15 representatives from several different religious group on and off campus, including representatives from Muslim Student Association (MSA), Newman Catholic Student Society (NCSS), Hillel, Sikh Students Association (SSA), McGill Christian Fellowship (MCF), Ghetto Shul, Youth with a Mission (YWAM), IF?,  and Thaqalayn Muslim Association (TMA) and more. At the very beginning of the year, the council discussed our purpose and came up with our mandate which we have nicknamed the “3 Cs:”

  • Promote collaboration and networking between religious student groups at McGill. We identify the need for students to connect with each other, facilitate collaboration and organize interfaith projects.
  • Find a common ground by celebrating diversity with unity. We realize that we are not the same, that we have differences, but that we can work with both our similarities and our differences.
  • Be a collective voice for religious student groups on campus.

Following this mandate, we organized two big events throughout the year; the first, a debate on religious freedom in the context of the Charter of Values, and the second, a conference exhibiting how students express their faith on campus. The council will be having its first meeting towards the end of September to discuss the direction of the council for the upcoming academic year! It will be another great year!

By: Thibault Vincent

Editor’s note: Newman students have been actively involved in MISC since its founding last year. You can talk to our VP Outreach Katie Hayman, or to Thibault, if you are interested in learning more about Newman’s interfaith collaborations. 


Andres tells us about CL

Today Newmanite (and former resident) Andres tells us a bit about CL:

Communion and Liberation (CL) is a lay movement within the Church whose mission is “the education to Christian maturity of its adherents.” The university students in CL meet for a weekly catechesis called “School of Community” where we discuss a text which had been proposed by the leader of the movement in light of our personal experience. This coming weekend (September 12 or 13) we will gather for a short hike and a meeting to start off the year. For details about the hike, school of community, or any questions about CL in general please write to:



Diving Deeper: An Introduction to Duc in Altum

Today, our alumna Vanessa share her experience with a program offered in the Diocese called ‘Duc in Altum’. Many Newmanites have participated over the past few years. If, after reading this, you are curious or interested, check out the website: 

Before starting off, here’s a passage to reflect on:

Once while Jesus was standing beside the lake of Gennesaret, and the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he saw two boats there at the shore of the lake; the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!” For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.” When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him. (Luke 5:1-11)

In a nutshell, this is Duc In Altum. The name of the program comes from the above passage; the Latin for ‘put out into the deep’ is – you guessed it! – ‘duc in altum’. In the Gospel of Luke, this is the passage where Jesus appoints the first of the Apostles. And as members of the apostolic Church, Jesus’ words to Simon Peter are the same words that he says to us today.

So what does it mean to put out into the deep? If you’re finding yourself at a crossroads in your life, or approaching big decisions with a lot of anxiety, you might have a sort of idea. Stepping into a new chapter of life is a lot like wading into murky, deep water – you don’t know whether you can keep standing for much longer, or where your next step will take you. It lacks clarity and direction; in short, it’s a challenge and an unknown. We encounter these kinds of situations daily, but it’s in the large-scale decisions that we really start noticing. I know that it was like that for me, when I was facing the last year of my undergraduate degree and wasn’t entirely sure what the next step was. I had ideas, but I didn’t know which was the one I was meant to take. And this isn’t just related to career – this affects where you live, what you do and who you spend the rest of your life with. You may have heard the word ‘discernment’ before to mean some kind of decision-making. I think the simplest way I can describe discernment is God-centered decision-making. How do we do that?

Don’t worry. God never leaves us stranded. Look what happens when Peter follows Jesus’ instructions, despite spending his entire night trying the same thing. They are entirely rewarded for their faith in Christ, and they immediately recognize who He is for it, choosing to follow Him. Even now, He is giving us signs and directions, guiding us towards His ultimate plan for us to reunite with Him in heaven. Maybe it’s in a moment at Mass, maybe it’s a conversation you had that sparked some ideas, or maybe it’s a chance encounter on the street. We simply have to be open and receptive of these things, and they will help make those moments of discernment a lot clearer.

Sounds great, but how? That’s where Duc In Altum comes in. Duc In Altum is a series of eight ‘encounters’ where a group of young people all seeking God in their lives move towards understanding themselves, understanding the Lord, and understanding how He is calling them to live their Christian lives. Each encounter is dedicated to a different facet of the Catholic faith, bringing together seemingly unconnected aspects of life and uniting them as a whole. In addition to the encounters, you are also paired up with a spiritual director (accompaniment, as it’s called) to help you mull over things discussed at each encounter and give some clarity to things you might be experiencing. It might seem like a lot of time to commit, but discernment is all about commitment, too!

If there is one thing that I have learned from being part of this program, it’s that everything is based on your identity as a child of God, and not only recognizing but integrating that into all parts of your life – including discernment – is key. Duc In Altum not only helped me learn new things about my relationship with Christ, but also put things I already knew in perspective, and gave me concrete ways to help strengthen my relationship. Not only that, it also introduced me to a group of wonderful people from all over the city who I was very blessed to be able to journey with, from all different walks of life.

I strongly encourage you to consider Duc In Altum, especially if you do see yourself at a junction point in your life and don’t know what to do next. Even if you’re not, think about it anyway; everyone has to make decisions in their lives at some point, big or small. God is constantly calling for you – take some time to listen, and make that call your own.



Take the Challenge!

Take the Challenge!
Take the Challenge!

Hi, my name is Cynthia Psaradellis. I am a McGill student who was born and raised here in Montreal. Growing up, I have received many skills and support from my Italian Catholic community.

Last year I became involved in the Newman Catholic Students Society Centre where I enjoyed attending the Newman ball, Friday You Cat sessions with yours truly Terrel, Saturday masses with Father Greg, Eucharistic adoration, BBQs, visits to the Oratory, watching soccer games, playing soccer, visits to the planetarium and so much more!!! Cardinal Newman wrote in a letter, “The best preparation for loving the world at large is to cultivate an intimate friendship.” I have created intimate friendships with Jesus and other people from various cultures.

I also became involved in Montreal Challenge Catholic Movement. In simplest terms, Challenge is a group of 18 to 30 year old Catholics who meet up to support each other. Thank God, for the support of the Challenge community, I am able to overcome my problems. Challenge has also allowed me to deepen my faith. As a young adult, I enjoy singing praise and worship songs among a multicultural community of young Catholics.

The skills and the support that I receive from the Newman, Challenge, and my community has allowed me to continue to pursue my studies in University with faith, hope, and love.

I challenge you to attend Challenge 31, which is September 26 to 28, 2014 at 351 Willibrord Rue, Verdun, QC. For more information, please visit:

God bless,
Cynthia Psaradellis