
Week 7 Announcements – Oct 29th – Nov 4th

Religion, Secularity, Toleration: Justin Trudeau and the Doctrine of Double Truth

Wednesday, October 29th @ 5:30 pm – Birks Building

Prof. Douglas Farrow, who hosts our Theology Thursdays, will be giving a special public lecture entitled Religion, Secularity, Toleration: Justin Trudeau and the Doctrine of Double Truth this Wednesday, October 29th at 5:30 pm in the Birks Building. The lecture is open to the public and students from the Newman Community are warmly welcomed to attend.

Night Fever

Come out and participate in an awesome evening of Adoration and prayer to celebrate the feast of All Souls. We will have candles, prayer intentions, priests of confession, music, refreshments (cookies, hot chocolate, tea and coffee) and of course the Blessed Sacrament. Take this opportunity to mark the feast and spend some time with Jesus.

Fall Coffeehouse

Saturday, November 8

We are STILL looking for acts for this year’s Fall Coffeehouse! We’d love to watch your musical numbers, skits, poetry, magic, and more. If you would like to perform or have any questions or concerns, please contact Angie Empleo via email ( or Facebook (Angie Em). Share with us the wonderful talents that God gave you!”

Year of Consecrated Life Kick-off

For the year of Consecrated Life, the Grey Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame are hosting an afternoon of testimony, discussion, prayer, music, and snacks on the 30th of November. The talks begin at 1:30 pm at 2330 Sherbrooke, the Congregation’s Motherhouse, and the afternoon ends at 4:30. You are all invited and welcome to attend!

Inter-denominational PRAYER MEETINGS!!!

The NCSS is joining our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in hosting prayer groups throughout the week.  Find a time  and a place that works for you and don’t be shy to swing by and pray with us!

• Tuesday 9 am in 4th floor SSMU clubs lounge with Esther (MCF)
• Early bird Wednesday 8 am at Christy, Lucy and Grace’s place {620 prince Arthur Apt. 4} (MCF)
• Friday 10 am at the Newman centre (3484 Peel) with Katie and Julian (NCSS)

~ If you have any further questions regarding prayer mornings, email Christy Frost (


Come and savour authentic and delicious cuisine francaise with us for SNS this weekend! Dinner is at 6pm and costs 5$.

Threads of Hope

The NCSS is running a fundraiser for our partner parishes El Divino Rostro and St. Padre Pio in the Phillipines. We are doing that with an initiative with Threads of Hope bracelets that are currently for sale at 2CAD per bracelets (the profit of 1.35CAD will go directly to our partner parishes). These bracelets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays during soup and bagel, SNS or just anytime, you feel like it really, just make sure to contact our VP Social Justice – Jody Wong at 514-232-3425 or catch her running around the Newman Centre.

Talk on Pastoral Home Care

There will be a talk on Pastoral Home Care, what it’s all about (in basic terms; ministering for the sick and elderly-but we’ll keep you in suspense and have you show up for more information), and about the training sessions that we are about to have in Pastoral Home Care come January. The talk will be given by the Cathie Macaulay, who is the coordinator of Pastoral Home Care with the Archdiocese of Montreal (who will also be in charge of the training program later on). We really hope you will be able to make it, despite the rush of midterms (or life in general).
WHEN? Thursday (Nov 6th, 2014)
WHERE? Newman Centre


Reflections of a Newman Alum: Stephanie

Hello! My name is Stephanie Wong, I graduated from McGill in 2013 and am now pursuing my Masters at the University of Toronto. Although it’s been over a year since I’ve left McGill, memories of the Newman Centre are still fresh in my mind. I remember stepping into the centre for the first time during my first week in Montreal, a bit overwhelmed by all the new faces and, not going to lie, tired from the trek up Rue Peel. Once I settled into my seat as mass began, I remember a distinct feeling of comfort, almost like I was home, even though I was in a new city, surrounded by strangers.  This is what the Newman Centre was to me – a home away from home.

Despite this feeling of being home, I did not get involved in the Newman Centre right away. I noticed that there were several churches in downtown, and spent the entirety of my first year of undergrad “church-hopping”.  I was busy with my studies and friends, so I chose the most convenient masses to go to: I would hop into Notre Dame de la Salette right before my brunch at Cora’s, the Cathedral after shopping in downtown, and the Newman Centre in between study sessions at the library. I hopped in and out, confining my faith to single hours of liturgy.

By the end of first year, I felt really alone in my faith. None of the friends that I had made were Christian, which was a stark contrast from the Catholic environment I grew up in. I was struggling with living out my ideals on my own and had a mountain of questions that I wanted answered. At that point, I realized that, just as I was advancing in my academics and adjusting to life away from home, I could no longer stay stagnant in my faith – I had to go deeper.

At the beginning of second year, I returned to the Newman Centre with openness to what it had to offer, and it was probably the best decision I made in my undergrad. I had grown to love Linda’s homemade soup, which was often accompanied with a side of silly conversation or intense philosophical discussions. My faith was nourished by wonderful talks and faith studies, and I was always comfortable with voicing my questions about my faith as they were met with patience and knowledge. My time at Newman was filled with wonderful friendships with people who walked along side me on my faith journey, be it through my day-to-day struggles, or to World Youth Day in both Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. One of my favourite memories was the time Fr. Greg caught me sleeping at a daily mass, apologized for having a “soothing voice that resembled a lullaby”, and proceeded to make the entire congregation stand and sing for the rest of the mass in order to keep me awake.

The Newman Centre was a place where I experienced genuine Christian love – both from the wonderful people, and also knowing that no matter how I’m feeling, the chapel is always open and Christ is always inviting me to spend time with Him. Faith is meant to be lived, and it is not meant to be lived alone. My time at Newman showed me the importance of community and I will take that with me and will continue to strive to remain immersed in communities of faith for the rest of my journey.

Stephanie's Faith Study Group, Fall 2012.
Stephanie’s Faith Study Group, Fall 2012.

Newmanites Meet Down Under

Hello Newmanites!

As you may know, I have spent this semester in Australia, working on research at the University of Sydney. One of my first stops upon arriving at USyd was the Catholic Chaplaincy, which is housed at the John Paul II Student Center in Sydney. I introduced myself as a Canadian and the first response of most people I met was “do you know Eileen?” Apparently, Eileen is also a Canadian. For the first month here, we didn’t meet in person though, but when we finally did meet, we realized we had a lot more in common than just being Canadian. In fact, Eileen is a Newman Alumna, having studied for her Bachelors and Master’s of Engineering at McGill. The more we chatted, the more mutual friends we knew! I’ll let Eileen introduce herself in a future blog post so you can hear more about the exciting things she is doing in Sydney!

On Friday, the two of us took a short pilgrimage to visit St. Mary MacKillop’s shrine here in Sydney. St. Mary of the Cross (MacKillop) is Australia’s first and only saint. She founded a community of women religious here in Australia that grew beyond all expectations, primarily for the education and care for children. She was canonized alongside St. (Brother) Andre of Montreal in 2010.

At St. Mary MacKillop’s tomb and in the beautiful garden outside, we prayed for our Newman community, which has given both of us so much over the years! St. Mary of the Cross, Pray for us!


Newmanites Down Under
Newmanites Down Under

Postcards from Abroad: Holly in Sydney, Australia

G’Day Newmanites! Greetings from Australia!

I am writing to you from the future, where it is already tomorrow (we are 15 hours ahead here in Sydney)!

I have been here since July, working on an international research project (joint project of the University of Sydney and Harvard University), called the Electoral integrity Project, which looks at the questions: “Why elections fail and what we can do about it?” My role here is to do half of my work on the project itself, and the other half of my work on my dissertation. My work for the project so far has mostly involved writing election reports (did you know that there were over 800 million voters registered in India’s most recent general election? They had to spread voting out over ten days to just manage the task!), assisting with conferences (we hosted the election commissioners from Afghanistan and Nepal for a week-long workshop on election security last week!), reviewing articles for publication (including one of my own! Yikes!), and attending seminars (still not sure if I’m a fan of electronic voting, but we had a great discussion on it a few weeks ago!). Judging from the number of exclamation points in this last sentence, I am obviously quite excited with the work I am doing and like the people with whom I work. We have good fun too! Our office is currently working our way through every different types of Arnott’s biscuits (my favourite so far is peanut butter Tim Tams).

My first two stops when I arrived in Sydney were to find the Catholic Chaplaincy and a parish within walking distance of my flat. Here, the Newman Centre equivalent is called the John Paul II Student Centre, and the Newman Catholic Students’ Society equivalent is called the Catholic Society of St. Peter. They do many similar activities to the Newman Centre and NCSS, but since most university students live with their parents (rent is exceptionally expensive in Sydney), all the events happen during the day Monday-Thursday. My new parish, St. Joseph’s Camperdown, is a beautiful little church. It was only a matter of time before I joined the choir and got to know the parish. One of the most beautiful things at this parish is our First Friday devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The whole parish comes together for a candle-lit ‘Encounter’ mass (longer than normal, with ample opportunities for silence and reflection), followed by adoration through the night. Families come and lots of the little kids will end up falling asleep at the back of the church (so you end up stepping over little ones sleeping to get down the aisle for communion). There is such a beautiful community that I am happy to be a small part of now!

I am meeting lots of new people at work, at church and on campus. The accent gives me away as a foreigner, and the most common questions I get asked include:

  • “Are you American?” (no, Canadian)
  • “Do you speak French?” (yes)
  • “Isn’t Justin Bieber is from Canada?” (we apologize)

But, quite honestly, it feels just like home! Australians are (in my experience) relaxed and friendly! It’s like a warmer version of Canada, just with poisonous spiders and funny accents.

Looking forward to seeing you in January (but I’m not looking forward to the cold!)




Week 6 Announcements – Oct 22nd – 28th

Movie Night

Saturday, October 25th @ 7:30pm

Immediately after SNS this coming Saturday, the NCSS exec will be watching a Halloween-themed movie. Join us – don’t worry, it won’t be anything too scary!”

Fall Coffeehouse

Saturday, November 8

We are STILL looking for acts for this year’s Fall Coffeehouse! We’d love to watch your musical numbers, skits, poetry, magic, and more. If you would like to perform or have any questions or concerns, please contact Angie Empleo via email ( or Facebook (Angie Em). Share with us the wonderful talents that God gave you!”

Inter-denominational Prayer Mornings:

PRAYER MORNINGS are starting this week!!

The NCSS is joining our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in hosting prayer groups throughout the week.  Find a time and a place that works for you and don’t be shy to swing by and pray with us!

• Tuesday 9 am in 4th floor SSMU clubs lounge with Esther (MCF)

• Early bird Wednesday 8 am at Christy, Lucy and Grace’s place {620 prince Arthur Apt. 4}

• Friday 10 am at the Newman centre (3484 Peel) with Katie and Julian

~ If you have any further questions regarding prayer mornings, email Christy Frost


Saturday, October 25th @ 6PM – 7:30PM

Come one, come all! Dinner will be Pork Vindaloo with pineapple fried rice! Eating will commence at 6 and the price is 5$. Hope to see you guys there! Please consider signing up to cook and help feed your lovely community. If you have further questions, email Ana at or facebook her or ask her in person.

Sandwiches for the Homeless

We are having our second installment of Sandwiches for the Homeless this semester (2nd of more to come!!!) and you are cordially invited (or not so cordial, but still very much invited) to join us in spreading the joy and goodness of food all around downtown Montreal. Now, especially with the winter coming, we may also be giving out articles of clothing to hopefully help keep our lovelies around Montreal warm.

Just like the last time and forever will be, details as follows:

PREPARATION = 12:00 – 1:00 pm

DISTRIBUTION = 1:00pm – 2:00pm

WHERE? Newman Centre – along Peel just below its intersection with Docteur-Penfield. and of course all round downtown Montreal.

We also take DONATIONS of food, bottled water and some small warm articles of clothing (proper clothes guys, like socks, mittens, yada yada-be creative). Feel free to fill in the google doc right here being the kind person that i know you are, with your donations.

ps. the preparation and distribution is by no means a block activity, feel free to pop in and out of the separate events, if you aren’t too comfortable with going out into the streets of Montreal, we would love your help with preparation or will take donations and vice versa or any way around (you get the drift).

Clothing Drive

Our Fall Clothing Drive for Benedict Labre House has had its run and has (unfortunately) come to an end. I’m very excited for the generous donations I get to bring over to the homeless people (indirectly through Benedict Labre House), and also a big huge THANK YOU to all of you guys who donated your clothes and many other garments to help make other people not naked!

Threads of Hope

T he NCSS is running a fundraiser for our partner parishes El Divino Rostro and St. Padre Pio in the Phillipines. We are doing that with an initiative with Threads of Hope bracelets that are currently for sale at 2CAD per bracelets (the profit of 1.35CAD will go directly to our partner parishes). These bracelets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays during soup and bagel, SNS or just anytime, you feel like it really, just make sure to contact our VP Social Justice – Jody Wong at 514-232-3425 or catch her running around the Newman Centre.

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

The RCIA program (or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) presents the teachings of the Catholic Church to those preparing for adult Baptism or Confirmation; it is also open to anyone who is curious about Catholicism. Classes are led by Dr. Richard Bernier and will begin on Oct 26 after Mass. For more information, email

YOUCAT on Tap: Is the Bible true?

Friday October 24 @ 5:30pm

Faith is a trusting surrender to the truths that a person chooses to reveals about themselves. We can know a great deal about someone using our reason, but to know the heart of someone, we need to wait for that person to reveal truths about them that we could never know otherwise. Who is God? God is most fundamentally a person, and the claim of the Bible is that this supreme person has not remained utterly silent, but of his own free will has chosen to speak.

This Friday, at YOUCAT on Tap, we will explore divine revelation in general and the Bible in particularly. We will address questions like:

  • Why did God have to show himself in order for us to be able to know what he is like?
  • How can we tell what belongs to the true faith?
  • Is Sacred Scripture true?
  • What is the right way to read the Bible?

Join us for some delightful conversation, homebrewed beer and pizza! Food and drink service begins at 5pm, and YOUCAT begins at 5:30pm. BRING A FRIEND!!!


Reflections of a Newman Alum: Emily

My name is Emily Erkkinen, I graduated from McGill in 2013, and I am now a first year medical student at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. During my time at McGill, I was highly involved with the Newman Student Society, and was president of the Newman Students’ Society during the 2011-2012 academic year.

When I first arrived at McGill in 2009, I knew no one, and I found out that essentially everyone in my res was going to a different freshman orientation than me. I felt foolish for signing up over the summer to do a Christian “alternative” Frosh (Fish Frosh). For much of Fish Frosh, I remembered feeling like a fraud. I had been raised in a non-practicing Catholic family, in which I completed my Sunday school education in order to appease my grandparents. I had little faith, much doubt, and a head full of questions. Yet something about the community I experienced during Fish Frosh gave me the courage to go to Mass at the Newman Centre that first Sunday in Montreal, even though I had little idea of when to sit, stand, kneel or what the responses were during the service.

I was so surprised when the Newmanites I met so readily invited me to be a part of the NSS council, have dinner with them, go on retreats, or just straight up hang out. I wondered how they could not see my blatant fraud-ness.

Looking back on it, the verse “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” comes to mind. There is this amazing Christ-like love in the community of the Newman Centre. There were people there who took the time to listen to my difficult questions about Catholicism, there were talks, Bible studies, and retreats, for my faith to grow. I had never before found myself in the company of such overwhelmingly kind people.

When I look back on my time at Newman, so many happy memories come across my mind. There was the time during the Fish Frosh pancake breakfast at Newman when I sat across the table from the classmate who would later become my roommate and best friend. Or the time I made arguably the messiest Saturday Night Supper the Newman Centre kitchen has ever known, and yet the volunteers who took four hours to clean up after me somehow did not hate me. There were the many afternoons I went to study at the wood table in the library in Podles Hall knowing there would be fellow Newmanites there to keep me company. There were Linda’s delicious soups, Newman Balls, and three beautiful Easter Vigils.

While at the Newman Centre, I discovered my faith and learned the importance of community. Sometimes I feel sad, when I think of how my time at Newman is over. Yet every day I feel the joy that entered my heart while I was there, and I know I am carrying a little bit of Newman with me wherever I go

Students at convocation Mass
Students at convocation Mass

Week 5 Announcements – Oct 15th – 21st

Sandwiches for the Homeless:

We are having our second installment of Sandwiches for the Homeless this semester (2nd of more to come!!!) and you are cordially invited (or not so cordial, but still very much invited) to join us in spreading the joy and goodness of food all around downtown Montreal. Now, especially with the winter coming, we may also be giving out articles of clothing to hopefully help keep our lovelies around Montreal warm.

Just like the last time and forever will be, details as follows:

PREPARATION = 12:00 – 1:00 pm

DISTRIBUTION = 1:00pm – 2:00pm

WHERE? Newman Centre – along Peel just below its intersection with Docteur-Penfield. and of course all round downtown Montreal.

We also take DONATIONS of food, bottled water and some small warm articles of clothing (proper clothes guys, like socks, mittens, yada yada-be creative). Feel free to fill in the google doc right here being the kind person that i know you are, with your donations.

P.S. the preparation and distribution is by no means a block activity, feel free to pop in and out of the separate events, if you aren’t too comfortable with going out into the streets of Montreal, we would love your help with preparation or will take donations and vice versa or any way around (you get the drift).

Clothing Drive:

Are you settling in all right? Moved into your new residence yet? (Of course you have… it’s the end of the first month already.) Well, following the big move, I’m sure there’ll be some extra stuff that just may not fit, or things that you may realize that you don’t need anymore. And if part of that stuff consists of articles of clothing, we might just be able to help you there! We’re here to lighten your load – literally.

The Newman Catholic Students’ Society (NCSS) is holding a Clothing Drive that is running at this very moment and going till the 17th of October (the Friday after Thanksgiving, so those extra clothes from home…), with all donations going to the Benedict Labre House. The current drop-off location is in the Bagelounge in the Newman Centre. We accept anything you can come up with, trousers, undershirts, socks? Just make sure you wash them first and we’ll be happy to take them off your hands.

Threads of Hope:

The NCSS is running a fundraiser for our partner parishes El Divino Rostro and St. Padre Pio in the Phillipines. We are doing that with an initiative with Threads of Hope bracelets that are currently for sale at 2CAD per bracelets (the profit of 1.35CAD will go directly to our partner parishes). These bracelets will be sold on Wednesdays and Fridays during soup and bagel, SNS or just anytime, you feel like it really, just make sure to contact our VP Social Justice – Jody Wong at 514-232-3425 or catch her running around the Newman Centre.

Apple Picking:

Saturday, October 18th @9:30am-4pm

Autumn is full upon us! To make the most of the season, join us this coming Saturday for Apple Picking at L’Abbaye Cistercienne de Rougemont. Bring a packed lunch, pocket money, and your wonderful smiles 🙂 Meeting time is 9:30am at the Newman Centre, and the estimated time of return will be by 4pm (just enough time before SNS at 6pm!). Hope to see you there!


Saturday, October 18th @ 6 pm – 7:30 pm

Happy Belated Turkey Day! To celebrate the gobblers we will be eating turkey and all the fixings! Join us at 6 pm and bring your 5$ in order to enjoy the edibles.

Theology Thursday: Dealing with Divorce:

Thursday, October 16th at 7:00 pm in the main hall of the Newman Centre (3484 Peel)

Check out the Facebook event

What does the Catholic Church teach about marriage and divorce, and why does it matter so much? What the heck is an annulment? Is it okay to remarry? What pastoral challenges arise in a society where divorce and cohabitation is commonplace? Is there a place in the Church for divorcees?

The NCSS is pleased to welcome Dr. Douglas Farrow, Professor of Christian Thought and chair of the Bachelor of Theology program at McGill University, who will be leading an informal, Q and A discussion on the topic of DIVORCE as part of our monthly series, “Theology Thursdays” (occurring the third Thursday of each month). We would be delighted to have your presence, so please bring your questions and your friends 🙂

Inter-denominational Prayer Mornings:

PRAYER MORNINGS are starting this week!!

The NCSS is joining our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in hosting prayer groups throughout the week.  Find a time and a place that works for you and don’t be shy to swing by and pray with us!

• Tuesday 9 am in 4th floor SSMU clubs lounge with Esther (MCF)

• Early bird Wednesday 8 am at Christy, Lucy and Grace’s place {620 prince Arthur Apt. 4}

• Friday 10 am at the Newman centre (3484 Peel) with Katie and Julian

~ If you have any further questions regarding prayer mornings, email Christy Frost

RCIA – Right of Christian Initiation for Adults

Sunday, October 26th @ 6PM

The RCIA program (or Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) presents the teachings of the Catholic Church to those preparing for adult Baptism or Confirmation; it is also open to anyone who is curious about Catholicism. Classes are led by Richard Bernier and will begin on Oct 26 after Mass. For more information, email

YOUCAT on Tap!: Can we make “sense” of faith?

Friday October 17 @ 5:30

If you ask a random person on the street, what they think is the relationship between faith and reason, they would probably say that faith and reason don’t correspond together. They might say that faith was the pre-modern way of understanding natural phenomenon and the meaning of life, but is gradually being replaced by reason and the empirical sciences. Many people in fact drift away from the faith because they feel that they are forced to choose between faith and reason. But what does the Catholic Church teach in regard to the relationship between faith and reason, between faith & science? As post-modern Christians, can we still make sense of faith?

Parish Vitality Conference:

13th – 15th November, 2014


Have fundraisers become an important source of revenue for your parish? Do you feel too dependent upon them to make ends meet? Christian stewardship offers an alternative approach. Everyone has something to offer be it time, talent or treasure.

The Parish Vitality Conference will feature five workshops that explain how Christian stewardship can go to work for your parish and its mission. Check out why Peter Nols, member of the Newman Centre board of directors and our treasurer, wants to know more about stewardship under WHY: View from the Pew at

Scheduled for Nov. 13-15, the conference is open to everyone involved or interested in parish life. Brochures and registration forms are available from your parish; for up-to-date information and online registration, go to:


Thanksgiving Potluck

For those of you staying in this city over this weekend, the Students’ Society is having a Thanksgiving Potluck! Come and celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with the community! Dinner will begin at 6 pm this Saturday and will be followed by card games led by our very own Campus Minister, Mr. Terrel Joseph. If you are planning on contributing to the Potluck please sign up here: ( If you do attend and do not bring a dish, please bring 5$ in the spirit of Commensality and Thanksgiving!
The details: Saturday 11th October 2014: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Fall Coffeehouse

Join us for a night of entertainment, fellowship, and dessert-ly sweetness! Various members of our community will showcase their wonderful talents in the form of singing, dancing, comedic interaction, magic (oooo…) and more. Support your fellow students and enjoy a night of relaxing fun!

Date and time: November 8th at 7:30pm

Location: Newman Centre (3484 Peel)
Bonus: if you stay until the end, you get to watch a special performance by the NCSS exec.

Hope to see you there!

“To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability.”
[Matthew 25:15]



Week 4 Announcements – Oct 8th – 14th

Adoration and Evening Prayer:

Weekdays: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

Adoration and Evening Prayer is a great opportunity to connect with God. After every mass there is adoration from 4:30-5:30 ending with evening prayer. If you would like to attend adoration or lead Vespers every week there is a signup sheet that has been posted outside the chapel.

Fall Coffeehouse:

Saturday 8th November, 2014: TBA

On November 8, the NCSS will host its annual FALL COFFEEHOUSE!! (Wooooo yeahhh!) We’re looking for acts, and I mean anything. If you can sing, dance, do magic, hold yourself upside down with one arm while juggling with your feet, I don’t know, anything, we’d love to see you do it!

If you’d like to sign up to perform, please contact me, either through Facebook message or email (

Thank you for your time, and I can’t wait to see/hear/gape in awe at the wonderful talents that God so graciously bestowed on you! 🙂

Sandwiches for the Homeless:

Donations or food and clothes are very very welcome. 12-1 preparation, 1-2 distribution.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Mass:

Every Wednesday at our 4:00pm mass we will have a special devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

Thanksgiving SNS:

For those of you staying in this city over this weekend, the Students’ Society is having a Thanksgiving Potluck! Come and celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with the community! Dinner will begin at 6 pm this Saturday and will be followed by card games led by our very own Campus Minister, Mr. Terrel Joseph. If you are planning on contributing to the Potluck please sign up here: ( If you do attend and do not bring a dish, please bring 5$ in the spirit of Commensality and Thanksgiving!

Threads of Hope:

If you want one, contact Jody Wong at or meet me around or during soup and bagels

NCSS Mass:

Please join us every Friday at our 4:00pm Mass which will be said for the Newman Catholic Students’ Society.

Clothing Drive:

Ending soon.

YOUCAT on Tap:

No YOUCAT on Tap this Friday October 10 (Thanksgiving Weekend) YOUCAT will resume Friday Oct 17.

World Youth Day 2016 Krakow, Poland:

In the Summer of 2016, all the young people of the world are invited to join Pope Francis in celebrating the 31st World Youth Days (WYD) in Krakow, Poland. Our campus minister Terrel Joseph is putting together a group, of present and past McGill students (and friends). In other words, you don’t necessarily need to live in Montreal in summer 2016 to join our group! If you are interested in participating please contact for more information. Also note that on Tuesday October 14, there is an information session at the Archdiocese (2000 Sherbrooke street west) about WYD. You are welcome to join me!

Cardinal Newman Feast Day!!!:

Thursday 9th October 2014: 4 PM – 4:30 PM

Join us for daily Mass @ 4pm on Thursday Oct 9 as we celebrate the feast day of our patron saint, Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman. A short portrait moving ceremony will follow the Mass, and we will conclude with a tea and cookie reception!

Parish Vitality Conference:

13th – 15th November, 2014


Have fundraisers become an important source of revenue for your parish? Do you feel too dependent upon them to make ends meet? Christian stewardship offers an alternative approach. Everyone has something to offer be it time, talent or treasure.

The Parish Vitality Conference will feature five workshops that explain how Christian stewardship can go to work for your parish and its mission. Check out why Peter Nols, member of the Newman Centre board of directors and our treasurer, wants to know more about stewardship under WHY: View from the Pew at

Scheduled for Nov. 13-15, the conference is open to everyone involved or interested in parish life. Brochures and registration forms are available from your parish; for up-to-date information and online registration, go to: