On Monday, March 10th at 6pm the Newman Students’ Society will convene a General Meeting at the Newman Centre to ratify amendments to our Constitution. We need to achieve a quorum of 20 NSS members in order to ratify!
Our updated Constitution will more effectively articulate and accomplish the mission of the NSS and better reflects the current reality and priorities of our Society.
Some major amendments include:
– Changing the name “Newman Students’ Society” to “Newman Catholic Students’ Society” to clearly articulate our identity, especially in our outreach to campus and other Christian and faith groups, and help demystify the perennial question “What is the Newman Students’ Society?”
– Adding a VP Spiritual and VP Outreach to the Executive
– Streamlining VP Publicity and Webmaster into a VP Communications
– Articulating our Mission in a Mission Statement distinct from that of the Newman Centre
– Modifying the Society’s rules of procedure to make them more realistic, efficient, and pertinent to our current operations.
These and all other proposed amendments have been discussed at Executive and Council meetings over the past weeks and drafted by our Constitutional Committee, established by the NSS Council.
Please email Julian at juliancspaparella@gmail.com if you have any questions or desire further details. A draft of the new Constitution will be posted on the NSS Facebook page prior to the holding of the General Meeting for your perusal.