Newman Catholic Students' Society of McGill University
McGill University's Catholic Student Community
Author:Newman Catholic Students' Society Executive
For more information about the Newman Catholic Students' Society executive, please consult the Executive Committee page under the About menu on this website.
The causes of environmental exploitation are complex and political consensus on taking action has been difficultto reach. Christians themselves are divided as to how to conceptualize the problem and what to do about it. Leading environmental theologian Dr. Michael Northcott joins Dr. Douglas Farrow in a special Theology Thursday panel on ecology and theology with questions from the audience.
Uncover McGill is a week of events put on by the Christian groups at McGill, including the Newman Catholic Students’ Society, to facilitate discussion and exploration of life’s biggest questions. Each day during the week there will be two lunch talks with free food, as well as evening events. See the schedule to the left for details or visit the Facebook event page. We’ve made sure there’s lots going on to interest everyone, so do come and bring your friends!
Please also note that there will be morning prayer at the Newman Centre every day from January 18th-22nd at 7:30am in the form of worship, scripture reading, and more. Join us in focusing ourselves on God every morning before sharing Christ’s light to our fellow students throughout the week
Greetings, fellow Newmanites! The following are the announcements from the Newman Centre and the Newman Catholic Students’ Society for the upcoming week.
Highlights this week:
Uncover McGill
Tea Time with Newman Alumna Eileen Leyne
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Ecumenical Prayer Night
YOUCAT on Tap: Ecumenism
Faith Studies Prayer and Training
Saturday Night Supper
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program
— Michael
Events and Activities This Week
Uncover McGill
January 18th-22nd at various locations
Uncover McGill is a week of events put on by the Christian groups at McGill, including the Newman Catholic Students’ Society, to facilitate discussion and exploration of life’s biggest questions. Each day during the week there will be two lunch talks with free food, as well as evening events. Visit the Facebook event page for details. We’ve made sure there’s lots going on to interest everyone, so do come and bring your friends!
Please also note that there will be morning prayer at the Newman Centre every day from January 18th-22nd at 7:30am in the form of worship, scripture reading, and more. Join us in focusing ourselves on God every morning before sharing Christ’s light to our fellow students throughout the week
Tea Time with Newman Alumna Eileen Leyne
Tuesday, January 19th (2:00pm)
Ever wondered what Newmanites go on to do after McGill? Come for tea time with special guest Newman Alumna Eileen Leyne, Tuesday, January 19th at 2:00pm in Podles Hall.
Eileen is a member of the Marian Community of Reconciliation, also known as the Fraternas. She was born in Montreal and is an alumna of McGill where she studied a Bachelor and Masters in Engineering (’02/’04). Eileen grew up as a Catholic, but after a life-changing encounter with Christ at World Youth Day in Toronto she became more involved in the Newman Centre and discerned her vocation to be a Fraterna. She joined the community in 2006 and currently lives in Australia where she serves as the Evangelisation Officer at the University of Technology, Sydney. As a Fraterna, she has lived and served in the USA, England, Peru and now Australia.
The Fraternas are a community of women who have responded to God’s call to consecrate their lives fully to Him through apostolic service. As consecrated laywomen their main mission is to evangelise from within the heart of the world. Fraternas live in community, sharing all their goods, and make life-long promises of celibacy and obedience.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Ecumenical Prayer Night
Tuesday, January 19th (7:00pm) at Peoples Church
Beginning Sunday, January 17th and ending Saturday, January 23rd, Christians of all different traditions and denominations around the world will be observing a week of prayer for Christian unity.
To mark this occasion, “The Living Room”, a local Protestant church in downtown Montreal, in partnership with Christian Direction and a few other groups, is organizing a joint worship and prayer night on Tuesday, January 19th at 7:00pm at Peoples Church. The goal is for the churches and ministries in downtown Montreal to come together in unity to pray. Our Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ have invited students from the Newman Centre to join them that evening. It is a unique opportunity to step outside our comfort zone of our own faith tradition and join together with one voice to cry out to God on behalf of our city, our nation and our world.
Our campus minister, , will be leading one of the periods of prayer that evening; please contact him for more information.
YOUCAT on Tap: Ecumenism
Friday, January 22nd (5:00-7:00pm)
This week, Christians from a wide variety of different denominations all over the world are observing the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”. The eventual unity of Christians is the long-term goal of the Catholic approach to ecumenism.
This Friday, YOUCAT on Tap welcomes special guest Richard Bernier, who will help us to better understand what ecumenism is about, why it is important, and how we as regular everyday Christians can participate in this important work. Beer and pizza will be served at 5:00pm and Richard’s talk will begin at 5:30pm.
Faith Studies Prayer and Training
Saturday, January 23rd (4:00-6:00pm)
Please join us for an opportunity to pray together for the semester ahead and the Newman community as a community of faith study leaders past and present. Training will be covered for those who are first time faith studies leaders or those interested in being leaders. It will include a variety of different types of prayer including meditative, invocation, and taize. For those interested in training, please let our VP Spiritual  know whatever questions or concerns you have.
Saturday Night Supper
Saturday, January 23rd (6:00pm)
The Newman Catholic Students’ Society has a longstanding tradition of hosting a supper every Saturday night, prepared by members of the Newman community. For only $5, you get a full meal, including dessert. Please come join us and share a great meal and great conversation!
If you’re interested in signing up to help prepare a meal in the future, please contact our VP Saturday Night Suppers, .
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program
Wednesday, January 13th (12:30-2:00pm)
Every weekday, from 12:30-2:00pm, enjoy all-you-can-eat hot soup and Montreal bagels in the Newman Centre’s Bagelounge for the low price of $3.50, courtesy of our administrative coordinator, Linda Diez.
Events and Activities This Month
Faith Studies Resumes
With the new semester comes a new opportunity to grow in faith, friendship, and virtue through a faith study! Faith studies are small groups of students, led by a trained student guide, that meet once a week over the course of six weeks during the semester to learn about the Catholic faith using specially prepared study guides from Catholic Christian Outreach.
If you’re interested, please sign up for this semester here. Please read the instructions carefully as it asks for the times you’re NOT available to meet. You will be contacted as responses come in so please sign up as soon as you can!
Bible Study on Mercy
Wednesday, January 27th (7:00pm)
Join us Wednesday, January 27th at 7:00pm for our next Newman Bible Study on Mercy. Samuel Farrugia will lead a Scriptural reflection followed by a spiritual meditation led by Julian Paparella. In a change from previous weeks, pizza will be served. Have mercy and attend!
Theology Thursday: Ecology and the Ethics of Christian Stewardship
Wednesday, January 28th (6:00pm)
The causes of environmental exploitation are complex and political consensus on taking action has been difficultto reach. Christians themselves are divided as to how to conceptualize the problem and what to do about it. Leading environmental theologian Dr. Michael Northcott joins Dr. Douglas Farrow in a special Theology Thursday panel on ecology and theology with questions from the audience.
January 29th-31st at various locations
Remember Fish Frosh, but weren’t able to attend? That’s ok! Defrosh is just the same – except colder. All first year and transfer students (who were unable to join Fish Frosh) are invited to participate in this weekend-long event hosted by the Christian groups on campus. This winter frosh is dedicated to introducing new students to our city, our school, and our communities. Those who were part of Fish Frosh are also encouraged to join Defrosh – but this time as leaders! Information about signing up will be posted shortly…in the meantime, keep your calendars free!
Armchair (Lenten) Retreat
February 7th-March 20th (deadline to register January 31st)
Every Lenten season, the Newman Centre, in partnership with the Ignatian Spirituality Centre of Montreal, is pleased to offer an “Armchair retreat” to Newmanites. The Armchair retreat is six weeks of one-on-one spiritual direction with a trained prayer companion from the Ignatian Centre.
The retreat begins with a group gathering on Sunday, February 7th for orientation and prayer. After that, students are paired off with spiritual directors whom you will be able to meet with weekly throughout the six weeks of Lent concluding with a group gathering on Palm Sunday (Sunday, March 20th).
The Armchair retreat is a uniquely personal experience tailored to each individual and their schedule. For more information or to register, please contact our campus minister . The deadline for registration is Sunday, January 31st; space is limited so please register ASAP!
Other Announcements
Call for Previous Semester’s Reimbursement Forms
As the new semester begins, please help us bring the last semester to a close. If you have spent money cooking for an SNS or organizing a Newman activity, and wish to be reimbursed, please submit your requests to our VP Finance, , byJanuary 19th.
Reimbursement request forms can be found in the NCSS mailbox at the Newman Centre or on the NCSS website.
Become a Newman Catholic Students’ Society Member!
Membership in the Society is open to everyone and comes with the following benefits:
one free Saturday Night Supper (normally $5),
right to attend Council meetings,
right to vote in Society elections (if you are a SSMU or PGSS member), and
a snazzy red membership card!
Memberships cost $2 and can be purchased from our VP Finance, .
Parking at Newman
Parking spaces are reserved for staff, all others by permission only. Fees apply. See a member of staff before parking. Unidentified vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Mass Schedule
The Newman Centre has Mass every Sunday at 5:00pm. Weekday Masses are held from Tuesday to Friday at 4:00pm, with Eucharistic Adoration from 4:30-5:30pm. Confessions are heard before all Masses.
Centre Hours
The Newman Centre is open weekdays from 10:00am-5:00pm (extended hours on some days) and on weekends during scheduled events such as Mass.
Greetings, fellow Newmanites! The following are the announcements from the Newman Centre and the Newman Catholic Students’ Society for the upcoming week.
Highlights this week:
Is Political Forgiveness Possible?: Lecture by Prof. Nigel Biggar
The Position of Canadian and British Courts on Euthanasia: Q&A with Profs. Margaret Somerville and Nigel Biggar
Bible Study on Mercy Resumes
Sandwiches on the Street
Saturday Night Supper
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program Resumes
— Michael
Events and Activities This Week
Is Political Forgiveness Possible?: Lecture by Prof. Nigel Biggar
Tuesday, January 12th (6:00pm)
Motivated by deep scriptural reflection on the parable of the Prodigal Son, Oxford University’s Prof. Nigel Biggar has been at the forefront of peace processes in Northern Ireland and South Africa. He has advised Truth and Reconciliation committees around the world and has written insightfully on forgiveness in Forgiving Enemies in Northern Ireland and Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice after Civil Conflict. His insights are as pertinent to personal forgiveness as they are to political forgiveness.
Please join us for this year’s Claude Ryan lecture to inaugurate the Year of Mercy at the Newman Centre. Reception to follow. Visit the Newman Centre’s website for more information.
The Position of Canadian and British Courts on Euthanasia: Q&A with Profs. Margaret Somerville and Nigel Biggar
Wednesday, January 13th (3:00pm)
Why did the legalization of euthanasia fail in Britain, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland? What cases were cited in these contexts that raised serious concern? And why instead did it succeed in Canada? Margaret Somerville, author of Death Talk, and Nigel Biggar, author of Aiming to Kill: The Ethics of Suicide and Euthanasia, will analyze the court rulings and, with reference to some recent court cases, will comment on the judicial reasoning and the relative roles of the judiciary and the legislature in both countries.
Join us Wednesday at 7:00pm for our next Newman Bible Study on Mercy. Samuel Farrugia will lead a Scriptural reflection followed by a spiritual meditation led by Julian Paparella. Have mercy and attend!
Sandwiches on the Street
Saturday, January 16th (11:00am)
It’s sandwich time again! Want to learn more about Christian street ministry with an ecumenical service project? Join the Newman Catholic Students’ Society (NCSS), Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), Just Church/L’Église Juste (Anglican-United) and ICON (Coptic) in making and distributing sandwiches to Montrealers living without a home.
11:00am — Sandwich making at the Newman Centre. If you are willing to bring something, we are most in need of sandwich meats, cheese and tuna.
12:00pm — Sandwich distribution (various locations). Teams will be sent into the city (metro passes provided if traveling further than walking distance) to interact with the homeless population in Montreal and give them some of the sandwiches we made.
You are welcome to come for both sandwich making and distribution, or just one portion of the event. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday Night Supper
Saturday, January 16th (6:00pm)
The Newman Catholic Students’ Society has a longstanding tradition of hosting a supper every Saturday night, prepared by members of the Newman community. For only $5, you get a full meal, including dessert. Please come join us and share a great meal and great conversation!
If you’re interested in signing up to help prepare a meal in the future, please contact our VP Saturday Night Suppers, .
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program Resumes
Wednesday, January 13th (12:30-2:00pm)
Every weekday starting this Wednesday, from 12:30-2:00pm, enjoy all-you-can-eat hot soup and Montreal bagels in the Newman Centre’s Bagelounge for the low price of $3.50, courtesy of our administrative coordinator, Linda Diez.
Events and Activities This Month
Faith Studies Resumes
With the new semester comes a new opportunity to grow in faith, friendship, and virtue through a faith study! Faith studies are small groups of students, led by a trained student guide, that meet once a week over the course of six weeks during the semester to learn about the Catholic faith using specially prepared study guides from Catholic Christian Outreach.
If you’re interested, please sign up for this semester here. Please read the instructions carefully as it asks for the times you’re NOT available to meet. You will be contacted as responses come in so please sign up as soon as you can!
Uncover McGill
January 18th-22nd at various locations
Uncover McGill is a week of events put on by the Christian groups at McGill, including the Newman Catholic Students’ Society, to facilitate discussion and exploration of life’s biggest questions. Each day during the week there will be two lunch talks with free food, as well as evening events. See the schedule to the left for details or visit the Facebook event page.
All students are invited and welcome. We’ve made sure there’s lots going on to interest everyone, so do come and bring your friends!
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – Ecumenical Prayer Night
Tuesday, January 19th (7:00pm) at Peoples Church
Beginning Sunday, January 17th and ending Saturday, January 23rd, Christians of all different traditions and denominations around the world will be observing a week of prayer for Christian unity.
To mark this occasion, “The Living Room”, a local Protestant church in downtown Montreal, in partnership with Christian Direction and a few other groups, is organizing a joint worship and prayer night on Tuesday, January 19th at 7:00pm at Peoples Church. The goal is for the churches and ministries in downtown Montreal to come together in unity to pray. Our Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ have invited students from the Newman Centre to join them that evening. It is a unique opportunity to step outside our comfort zone of our own faith tradition and join together with one voice to cry out to God on behalf of our city, our nation and our world.
Our campus minister, , will be leading one of the periods of prayer that evening; please contact him for more information.
Friday, January 22nd (5:00-7:00pm)
Join us for next week’s YOUCAT on Tap, which resumes Friday, January 22nd. As usual, beer and pizza service starts at 5:00pm followed by the topic discussion at 5:30pm. All are welcome!
Armchair (Lenten) Retreat
February 7th-March 20th (deadline to register January 31st)
Every Lenten season, the Newman Centre, in partnership with the Ignatian Spirituality Centre of Montreal, is pleased to offer an “Armchair retreat” to Newmanites. The Armchair retreat is six weeks of one-on-one spiritual direction with a trained prayer companion from the Ignatian Centre.
The retreat begins with a group gathering on Sunday, February 7th for orientation and prayer. After that, students are paired off with spiritual directors whom you will be able to meet with weekly throughout the six weeks of Lent concluding with a group gathering on Palm Sunday (Sunday, March 20th).
The Armchair retreat is a uniquely personal experience tailored to each individual and their schedule. For more information or to register, please contact our campus minister . The deadline for registration is Sunday, January 31st; space is limited so please register ASAP!
Other Announcements
Call for Previous Semester’s Reimbursement Forms
As the new semester begins, please help us bring the last semester to a close. If you have spent money cooking for an SNS or organizing a Newman activity, and wish to be reimbursed, please submit your requests to our VP Finance, , by Saturday, January 16th.
Reimbursement request forms can be found in the NCSS mailbox at the Newman Centre or on the NCSS website.
Become a Newman Catholic Students’ Society Member!
Membership in the Society is open to everyone and comes with the following benefits:
one free Saturday Night Supper (normally $5),
right to attend Council meetings,
right to vote in Society elections (if you are a SSMU or PGSS member), and
a snazzy red membership card!
Memberships cost $2 and can be purchased from our VP Finance, .
Parking at Newman
Parking spaces are reserved for staff, all others by permission only. Fees apply. See a member of staff before parking. Unidentified vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Mass Schedule
The Newman Centre has Mass every Sunday at 5:00pm. Weekday Masses are held from Tuesday to Friday at 4:00pm, with Eucharistic Adoration from 4:30-5:30pm. Confessions are heard before all Masses.
Centre Hours
The Newman Centre is open weekdays from 10:00am-5:00pm (extended hours on some days) and on weekends during scheduled events such as Mass.
Greetings, fellow Newmanites! I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break. The following are the announcements from the Newman Centre and the Newman Catholic Students’ Society for the week of January 3rd-9th.
Highlights this week and later this month:
The Newman Centre Reopens!
Is Political Forgiveness Possible? Lecture by Prof. Nigel Biggar
The Position of Canadian and British Courts on Euthanasia: Q&A with Profs. Margaret Somerville and Nigel Biggar
Faith Studies Resumes
Call for Previous Semester’s Reimbursement Forms
— Michael
Events and Activities This Week
The Newman Centre Reopens!
Thursday, January 7th (10:00am)
The Newman Centre reopens on Thursday, January 7th at 10:00am! The first Sunday Mass of the year will be celebrated on January 10th, while the first weekday Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, January 12th.
Events and Activities This Month
Is Political Forgiveness Possible?: Lecture by Prof. Nigel Biggar
Tuesday, January 12th (6:00pm)
Motivated by deep scriptural reflection on the parable of the Prodigal Son, Oxford University’s Prof. Nigel Biggar has been at the forefront of peace processes in Northern Ireland and South Africa. He has advised Truth and Reconciliation committees around the world and has written insightfully on forgiveness in Forgiving Enemies in Northern Ireland and Burying the Past: Making Peace and Doing Justice after Civil Conflict. His insights are as pertinent to personal forgiveness as they are to political forgiveness
Please join us for this public lecture (which is free of charge) to inaugurate the Year of Mercy at the Newman Centre. Reception to follow. Visit the Newman Centre’s website for more information.
The Position of Canadian and British Courts on Euthanasia: Q&A with Profs. Margaret Somerville and Nigel Biggar
Wednesday, January 13th (3:00pm)
Why did the legalization of euthanasia fail in Britain, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland? What cases were cited in these contexts that raised serious concern? And why instead did it succeed in Canada? Margaret Somerville, author of Death Talk, and Nigel Biggar, author of Aiming to Kill: The Ethics of Suicide and Euthanasia, will analyze the court rulings and, with reference to some recent court cases, will comment on the judicial reasoning and the relative roles of the judiciary and the legislature in both countries. Visit the Newman Centre’s website for more information.
Faith Studies Resumes
With the new semester comes a new opportunity to grow in faith, friendship, and virtue through a faith study! Faith studies are small groups of students, led by a trained student guide, that meet once a week over the course of six weeks during the semester to learn about the Catholic faith using specially prepared study guides from Catholic Christian Outreach.
If you’re interested, please sign up for this semester here. Please read the instructions carefully as it asks for the times you’re NOT available to meet. You will be contacted as responses come in so please sign up as soon as you can!
Call for Previous Semester’s Reimbursement Forms
As the new semester begins, please help us bring the last semester to a close. If you have spent money cooking for an SNS or organizing a Newman activity, and wish to be reimbursed, please submit your requests to our VP Finance, Tim Vuksic, by Saturday, January 16th. Reimbursement request forms can be found in the NCSS mailbox or on the NCSS website, and Tim can be contacted for more information at .
Other Announcements
Become a Newman Catholic Students’ Society Member!
Membership in the Society is open to everyone and comes with the following benefits:
one free Saturday Night Supper (normally $5),
right to attend Council meetings,
right to vote in Society elections (if you are a SSMU or PGSS member), and
a snazzy red membership card!
Memberships cost $2 and can be purchased from our VP Finance, .
Parking at Newman
Parking spaces are reserved for staff, all others by permission only. Fees apply. See a member of staff before parking. Unidentified vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Mass Schedule
The Newman Centre has Mass every Sunday at 5:00pm. Weekday Masses are held from Tuesday to Friday at 4:00pm, with Eucharistic Adoration from 4:30-5:30pm. Confessions are heard before all Masses.
Centre Hours
The Newman Centre is open weekdays from 10:00am-5:00pm (extended hours on some days) and on weekends during scheduled events such as Mass.
Greetings, fellow Newmanites! The following are the announcements from the Newman Centre and the Newman Catholic Students’ Society for the week of November 22nd-28th.
Highlights this week:
Theology Thursday: Is Lying Ever Right?
Christ is Coming Dinner
Soup and Bagel Lunch
— Michael
Events and Activities This Week
Theology Thursday: Is Lying Ever Right?
Thursday, November 26th (7:00pm)
Theology Thursday is a monthly question and answer series on Catholic doctrinal and ethical issues with Dr. Douglas Farrow, Professor of Christian Thought and Kennedy Smith Chair in Catholic Studies.
This month we’ll be looking at the question: “Is lying ever right?” Most of us are taught from a young age to never lie, but is it actually intrinsically evil? What about cases where it seems necessary to sacrifice the truth to avoid an injustice? We’ll be looking at some of these tough questions on Thursday. Refreshments will be provided. See you there!
YOUCAT on Tap: “Why do I need the Church?”, Part II
Friday, November 27th (5:00-7:00pm)
Believing in a Church that has authority, standards, and expectations of us is very inconvenient. Consequently, many people today – including many baptized Catholics – opt out of Church all together (except during Christmas and Easter!). They tend to self-identify as spiritual but not necessarily religious, and say things like, “well, what really matters is being a good person; what you believe, or what Church or religion you follow is secondary.”
This, in turn, begs the question: “Why do I need the Church?” Join us this Friday for our second session of YOUCAT on Tap exploring the origins of the Church and her mission. As usual, beer and pizza service starts at 5:00pm followed by the topic discussion at 5:30pm. All are welcome!
Christ is Coming Dinner
Saturday, November 28th (6:00pm)
To celebrate the beginning of Advent and the pending arrival of our Lord (and as a closing event for the Fall semester), the NCSS executive is hosting a special Advent-themed Saturday Night Supper on November 28th! How is it different from your typical SNS, you ask? Well…
The NCSS executive will be preparing the meal and serving you;
The dress code is semi-formal;
There will be a four-course meal; and
The music, decorations, and all-around atmosphere will abound with pre-Christmas cheer!
Doors open at 6:00pm, and dinner will be served at 7:00pm. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased from any member of the executive. Space is limited, so please reserve your tickets in advance. Hope to see you there!
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program
Weekdays (12:30-2:00pm)
Every weekday, from 12:30-2:00pm, enjoy all-you-can-eat hot soup and Montreal bagels in the Newman Centre’s Bagelounge for the low price of $3.50, courtesy of our administrative coordinator, Linda Diez.
Other Events and Activities
Newman Bible Study on Mercy
Wednesday, December 2nd (7:00pm)
Join us Wednesday at 7:00pm for our next Newman Bible Study on Mercy. Samuel Farrugia will lead a Scriptural reflection followed by a spiritual meditation led by Julian Paparella. Have mercy and attend!
Council Meeting
Thursday, December 3rd (7:00pm)
Make your voice heard! Did you know that every member of the NCSS is also a member of Council, the Society’s legislative body? Tell the executive about your new event idea at our next biweekly Council meeting.
Other Announcements
Become a Newman Catholic Students’ Society Member!
Membership in the Society is open to everyone and comes with the following benefits:
one free Saturday Night Supper (normally $5),
right to attend Council meetings,
right to vote in Society elections (if you are a SSMU or PGSS member), and
a snazzy red membership card!
Memberships cost $2 and can be purchased from our VP Finance, .
Parking at Newman
Parking spaces are reserved for staff, all others by permission only. Fees apply. See a member of staff before parking. Unidentified vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Mass Schedule
The Newman Centre has Mass every Sunday at 5:00pm. Weekday Masses are held from Tuesday to Friday at 4:00pm, with Eucharistic Adoration from 4:30-5:30pm. Confessions are heard before all Masses.
Centre Hours
The Newman Centre is open weekdays from 10:00am-5:00pm (extended hours on some days) and on weekends during scheduled events such as Mass.
Theology Thursday is a monthly question and answer series on Catholic doctrinal and ethical issues with Dr. Douglas Farrow, Professor of Christian Thought and Kennedy Smith Chair in Catholic Studies.
This month we’ll be looking at the question: “Is lying ever right?” Most of us are taught from a young age to never lie, but is it actually intrinsically evil? What about cases where it seems necessary to sacrifice the truth to avoid an injustice? We’ll be looking at some of these tough questions on Thursday. Refreshments will be provided. See you there!
To celebrate the beginning of Advent and the pending arrival of our Lord (and as a closing event for the Fall semester), the NCSS executive is hosting a special Advent-themed Saturday Night Supper on November 28th! How is it different from your typical SNS, you ask? Well…
The NCSS executive will be preparing the meal and serving you;
The dress code is semi-formal;
There will be a four-course meal; and
The music, decorations, and all-around atmosphere will abound with pre-Christmas cheer!
Doors open at 6:00pm, and dinner will be served at 7:00pm. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased from any member of the executive. Space is limited, so please reserve your tickets in advance. Hope to see you there!
Greetings, fellow Newmanites! The following are the announcements from the Newman Centre and the Newman Catholic Students’ Society for the week of November 15th-21st.
Highlights this week:
Pope Francis and Laudato Si: What is the message of the encyclical on climate change?
Religion and Conscience in Court
Newman Bible Study on Mercy: Marvellous Moses!
Council Meeting
Social Activity: Poutine!
Sandwiches on the Street
Saturday Night Supper
Faith Studies Celebration
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program
— Michael
Events and Activities This Week
Pope Francis and Laudato Si: What is the message of the encyclical on climate change?
Tuesday, November 17th (7:00pm)
Led by Leslie Tomory, Ph.D., this seminar will examine the pope’s statement on climate change and the Vatican’s engagement with scientists and scientific data in today’s age.
Leslie Tomory is an engineer and consultant in the non-profit sector. He is also a research affiliate in the History Department at McGill University. He holds a Ph.D. in the history of technology from the University of Toronto, and has written two books on the subject, including Progressive Enlightenment: The Origins of the Gaslight Industry, 1780–1820 (MIT Press, 2012).
The panels will take place at the Birks Building, located at 3520 University Street. Read more at
Newman Bible Study on Mercy: Marvellous Moses!
Wednesday, November 18th (7:00pm)
Join us Wednesday at 7pm for our next Newman Bible Study on Mercy, this week featuring Marvellous Moses! Together we will delve more deeply into the call of Moses and the mystery of God’s mercy in action — saving His People Israel from their captors in Egypt. Sam will lead a Scriptural reflection followed by a spiritual meditation led by Julian. Have mercy and attend!
Council Meeting
Thursday, November 19th (7:00pm)
Make your voice heard! Did you know that every member of the NCSS is also a member of Council, the Society’s legislative body? Tell the executive about your new event idea at our next biweekly Council meeting.
Social Activity: Poutine!
Friday, November 20th (6:00pm)
Join us this Friday, November 20th to enjoy a Quebecois delicacy: poutine! We will be meeting at 6pm at the Newman Centre to then metro over to La Banquise, a diner known for their poutine. Make sure to come with an empty stomach! Hope to see you there!
Sandwiches on the Street
Saturday, November 21st (11:00am)
It’s sandwich time again! Want to learn more about Christian street ministry with an ecumenical service project? Join the Newman Catholic Students’ Society (NCSS), Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), and Just Church/L’Église Juste (Anglican-United) in making and distributing sandwiches to Montrealers living without a home.
11:00am — Sandwich making at the Newman Centre. If you are willing to bring something, we are most in need of tuna, plastic wrap and soft baked goods (we had lots of happy faces when we shared the cake that was brought last month!)
12:00pm — Sandwich distribution (various locations). Teams will be sent into the city (metro passes provided if traveling further than walking distance) to interact with the homeless population in Montreal and give them some of the sandwiches we made.
You are welcome to come for both sandwich making and distribution, or just one portion of the event. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday Night Supper
Saturday, November 21st (6:00pm)
The Newman Catholic Students’ Society has a longstanding tradition of hosting a supper every Saturday night, prepared by members of the Newman community. For only $5, you get a full meal, including dessert. Please come join us and share a great meal and great conversation!
If you’re interested in signing up to help prepare a meal in the future, please contact our VP Saturday Night Suppers, Josephina Lee.
Faith Studies Celebration
Sunday, November 22nd (6:00pm)
To celebrate the season of growth and fellowship of faith studies this semester, the NCSS is hosting a low-key celebration of cake and refreshments (in lieu of cookies!) after Sunday Mass next week. All are welcome to join! Thanks for all the prayers and please continue to offer them for all involved! 🙂
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program
Weekdays (12:30-2:00pm)
Every weekday, from 12:30-2:00pm, enjoy all-you-can-eat hot soup and Montreal bagels in the Newman Centre’s Bagelounge for the low price of $3.50, courtesy of our administrative coordinator, Linda Diez.
Events and Activities Later This Month
Theology Thursday: Is Lying Ever Right?
Thursday, November 26th (7:00pm)
Theology Thursday is a monthly question and answer series on Catholic doctrinal and ethical issues with Dr. Douglas Farrow, Professor of Christian Thought and Kennedy Smith Chair in Catholic Studies.
This month we’ll be looking at the question: “Is lying ever right?” Most of us are taught from a young age to never lie, but is it actually intrinsically evil? What about cases where it seems necessary to sacrifice the truth to avoid an injustice? We’ll be looking at some of these tough questions on Thursday. Refreshments will be provided. See you there!
Friday, November 27th (5:00-7:00pm)
Join us for next week’s YOUCAT on Tap, which will be our second session looking at the question: “Why do I need the Church?” As usual, beer and pizza service starts at 5:00pm followed by the topic discussion at 5:30pm. All are welcome!
Christ is Coming Dinner
Saturday, November 28th (6:00pm)
To celebrate the beginning of Advent and the pending arrival of our Lord (and as a closing event for the Fall semester), the NCSS executive is hosting a special Advent-themed Saturday Night Supper on November 28th! How is it different from your typical SNS, you ask? Well…
The NCSS executive will be preparing the meal and serving you;
The dress code is semi-formal;
There will be a four-course meal; and
The music, decorations, and all-around atmosphere will abound with pre-Christmas cheer!
Doors open at 6:00pm, and dinner will be served at 7:00pm. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased from any member of the executive. Space is limited, so please reserve your tickets in advance. Hope to see you there!
Other Announcements
Become a Newman Catholic Students’ Society Member!
Membership in the Society is open to everyone and comes with the following benefits:
one free Saturday Night Supper (normally $5),
right to attend Council meetings,
right to vote in Society elections (if you are a SSMU or PGSS member), and
a snazzy red membership card!
Memberships cost $2 and can be purchased from our VP Finance, .
Parking at Newman
Parking spaces are reserved for staff, all others by permission only. Fees apply. See a member of staff before parking.
Unidentified vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Mass Schedule
The Newman Centre has Mass every Sunday at 5:00pm. Weekday Masses are held from Tuesday to Friday at 4:00pm, with Eucharistic Adoration from 4:30-5:30pm. Confessions are heard before all Masses.
Centre Hours
The Newman Centre is open weekdays from 10:00am-5:00pm (extended hours on some days) and on weekends during scheduled events such as Mass.
Greetings, fellow Newmanites! The following are the announcements from the Newman Centre and the Newman Catholic Students’ Society for the week of November 8th-14th.
Highlights this week:
Social Activity: Brunch with Newmanites
NCSS Advent Retreat
Saturday Night Supper
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program
— Michael
Events and Activities This Week
YOUCAT on Tap: What is the Church?
Friday, November 13th (5:00-7:00pm)
Believing in a Church that has authority, standards, and expectations of us is very inconvenient. Consequently, many people today – including many baptized Catholics – opt out of Church all together (except during Christmas and Easter!). They tend to self-identify as spiritual but not necessarily religious, and say things like, “well, what really matters is being a good person; what you believe, or what Church or religion you follow is secondary.”
This, in turn, begs the question: “Why do I need the Church?” Join us this Friday for YOUCAT on Tap as we explore the origins of the Church and her mission. As usual, beer and pizza service starts at 5:00pm followed by the topic discussion at 5:30pm. All are welcome!
Social Activity: Brunch with Newmanites
Saturday, November 14th (10:00am)
Whether you’re still in the midst of midterms and need a break or you’d like to treat yourself for getting through them all, come join us at brunch this Saturday! We’ll be meeting at 10:00am at Eggspectation on St. Catherine Street to enjoy a delicious meal and some great company!
If you need directions to get to the restaurant, please contact VP Social Activities Charlotte Vester at . Hope to see you there!
NCSS Advent Retreat:Â Real Connections – Relationships and Prayer
Saturday, November 14th (1:00-6:00pm)
The NCSS advent retreat is an opportunity to reflect, pray for, and work on the relationships in your life. We’ll be exploring how to make meaningful relationships matter and how prayer offers ways to make them even more. The afternoon will feature guided reflections, quiet prayer time, Eucharistic Adoration and opportunity for Confession, and a service activity (decorating cards for families in the community). Gayle, the new spiritual director at the Centre, will be present to share her insights and be available for those interested in learning more about spiritual direction or in a brief consult.
Following the retreat, participants are invited and encouraged to celebrate the fruits of the retreat together at SNS which is happening right after. The cost of the retreat is $5.
Saturday Night Supper
Saturday, November 7th (6:00pm)
The Newman Catholic Students’ Society has a longstanding tradition of hosting a supper every Saturday night, prepared by members of the Newman community. For only $5, you get a full meal, including dessert. Please come join us and share a great meal and great conversation!
If you’re interested in signing up to help prepare a meal in the future, please contact our VP Saturday Night Suppers, .
Soup and Bagel Lunch Program
Weekdays (12:30-2:00pm)
Every weekday, from 12:30-2:00pm, enjoy all-you-can-eat hot soup and Montreal bagels in the Newman Centre’s Bagelounge for the low price of $3.50, courtesy of our administrative coordinator, Linda Diez.
The panels will take place at the Birks Building, located at 3520 University Street. Read more at
Newman Bible Study on Mercy
Wednesday, November 18th (7:00pm)
Join us for the fifth session of our Newman Bible Study, exploring God’s mercy throughout the Bible. The study is led by Samuel Farrugia and Julian Paparella and takes place every two weeks. See you there!
Council Meeting
Thursday, November 19th (7:00pm)
Make your voice heard! Did you know that every member of the NCSS is also a member of Council, the Society’s legislative body? Tell the executive about your new event idea at our next biweekly Council meeting.
Other Announcements
Become a Newman Catholic Students’ Society Member!
Membership in the Society is open to everyone and comes with the following benefits:
one free Saturday Night Supper (normally $5),
right to attend Council meetings,
right to vote in Society elections (if you are a SSMU or PGSS member), and
a snazzy red membership card!
Memberships cost $2 and can be purchased from our VP Finance, .
Parking at Newman
Parking spaces are reserved for staff, all others by permission only. Fees apply. See a member of staff before parking.
Unidentified vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Mass Schedule
The Newman Centre has Mass every Sunday at 5:00pm. Weekday Masses are held from Tuesday to Friday at 4:00pm, with Eucharistic Adoration from 4:30-5:30pm. Confessions are heard before all Masses.
Centre Hours
The Newman Centre is open weekdays from 10:00am-5:00pm (extended hours on some days) and on weekends during scheduled events such as Mass