Every other Sunday evening at 6:00pm, the Newman Catholic Students’ Society provides dinner at the Newman Centre (3484 Peel Street). For only $5, you get a full meal, including dessert. We also do our best to accommodate any dietary restrictions. Please come join us and share a great meal and great conversation!
In addition to having a typical supper every Saturday, some of these are extra-special and we work even harder – cooking more food to celebrate a specific event! These events include:
- Apartment Crawl: Unlike most Saturday Night Suppers, this one isn’t held at the Newman Centre. Instead, a few members of the Newman community open their homes to other Newmanites; we move from apartment to apartment, enjoying a single course at each one.
- Thanksgiving Dinner: We cook a great Thanksgiving turkey the week following Canadian Thanksgiving.
- Christ is Coming Dinner: The last Saturday Night Supper of the fall semester is the Christ is Coming Dinner. We cook a huge array of holiday food in celebration of Christ’s imminent birth!
- Resurrection Party: After Easter Vigil Mass, we gather for a potluck celebration where we eat plenty of desserts, hors d’oeuvres, and other party foods.
Like to cook? We are always looking for volunteers to cook dinner throughout the year. You get a grocery budget, a fully-equipped kitchen, help from our VP SNS and get to eat free. To sign up, contact the VP SNS at .
For those of you who have cooked for SNS and would like your reimbursement, please fill out this form and bring it back to our VP Finance, who can be reached at .