Meet the members of the 2024-2025 executive team! To share a little bit about themselves, each member of the executive committee has written a small profile including their background, interests, duties, and goals for the year. Feel free to reach out to us or approach us if you see us around!
Hailey Eckersberg
My name is Hailey Eckersberg, and I’m a fourth-year Neuroscience student with a minor in Computer Science at McGill University. This year, I have the privilege of serving as Co-President of the Newman Catholic Students’ Society (NCSS) alongside Harry. As a returning member of the executive committee and a dedicated member of the Newman Chapel Choir, I’m committed to fostering a warm and welcoming community at Newman. Our goal is to make the NCSS an inclusive and enjoyable space for all, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or suggestions. I’m excited to see what we can achieve together this year!
Email: president@mcgillcatholics.ca
Harry Zhai
My name is Harry Zhai and I am one of the two Co-Presidents for the 2023-2024 academic year. I have been at McGill as an undergraduate for two years, during which I have been an active participant in the NCSS. I My name is Harry Zhai and I am one of the two Co-Presidents for the 2024-2025 academic year. I have been at McGill as an undergraduate for three years, during which I have been an active participant in the NCSS. I major in history and religious studies, which are deeply intertwined in relation to my personal faith. Having embraced the Catholic faith only a few years ago, I am passionate in my service to God and His holy Church. My dedication to the Church finds expression in various facets of liturgical involvement. As an acolyte, lector, and chorister, I have found joy and purpose in enhancing the worship experience through active participation. Beyond these endeavors as a student and as a Catholic, I also find comfort in cooking, baking, art and singing. In the past, I served as the Vice President of Spiritual Affairs and Co-President of the NCSS, a role I will be taking on once again.
Email: president@mcgillcatholics.ca
Gabriella Giorgi
VP Communications
Hi, my name is Gabriella Giorgi. I’m a second-year English Literature student, with a minor concentration in Environmental Studies. I have been a part of NCSS since last year. I find the community very welcoming and important for helping students grow their faith while at McGill. In addition to English, I love all things music and can often be found at Newman practicing piano! I’m super thrilled to be VP Communications for NCSS this year and, hopefully, get the chance to meet so many new students and introduce new exciting events to the NCSS!
Patrick Shield
VP Finance
Hi! My name is Patrick Shield, and I’m a U2 student from Calgary studying economics. I’m looking forward to working with the NCSS to make a great year here at Newman. If you see me around the centre, come say hi, I’m always happy to chat.
Email: finance@mcgillcatholics.ca
Camille Deslongchamps
VP Saturday/Sunday Night Supper (SNS)
Hi, my name is Camille Deslongchamps! I am a fourth-year studying Joint Hons Classics and Religious Studies and will be serving as the VP SNS this year. I was VP SNS as well as President of the NCSS two years ago, but took a year off while studying abroad in Bologna, Italy. I am super excited to cook and eat with all my friends as VP SNS and, above all, I hope to cultivate an environment of joy this year at the Newman Centre. To be Catholic is to be joyful! Praise God!
If you want to volunteer to cook for SNS (which, you should), you can find me either on the 6th floor of Schulich Library, at Harbin Dumplings on Ste-Denis, on a couch in Birks, or, on Thursdays from 5:30-8:30, at BdA. I can’t wait for a great year with you all!
Email: sns@mcgillcatholics.ca
Molly Moran
VP Social Activities
Hi everybody! My name is Molly Moran and I’m the 2024-2025 VP Social for the NCSS. This is my second year at McGill and my third year of university, as I transferred from the University of Colorado Boulder. Among other things, I am a religious studies major, an international student, and the second person in my family to attend McGill (the first person being my mom). I have been involved with Newman for around a year now, and consider it a great gift to be able to serve this community. I’m excited for the events we have planned this year and hope they will allow us to connect with new believers from the McGill community. We look forward to meeting you! 🙂
Isabelle Henri
VP Mac Campus
My name is Isabelle Henri. I am a U3 student on the McGill University Macdonald Campus pursuing a degree in Life Sciences specializing in Plant Biology. I am the VP Macdonald Branch for this year. I love to connect my faith with nature and seeing how God works in all of his creations. As the first person at this position, my vision is to establish a platform that bridges the two campuses thus catering to the broader McGill community. This will increase outreach and create strong unity that joins us in faith. During my free time I spend reading novels, going on hikes, singing, and crocheting! May this year bring everyone joy and I wish everyone success in the school year!
Audrey Anastasi
VP Spiritual
Hi! My name is Audrey and I am a U1 Liberal Arts major with a focus in literature and the arts. In my free time I take a keen interest in knitting, libraries, classical education, anything medieval and music of many varieties. I am so excited to be involved in the Catholic community at McGill through NCSS as VP Spiritual, and I hope to continue to make this a lively, enriched, and contemplative environment!
Email: spiritual@mcgillcatholics.ca