
Sandwiches for The Homeless

If you want a break from the lull and dull of school, or if you haven’t gotten out much due to mid-terms, I say why not let this be your chance to get out and do something for the community? We are having a Sandwiches for the Homeless next Saturday at the Newman Centre, and then proceeding to walks around downtown Montreal and we would very much love to have you join us! All the details are stated below, mark your calendars, and hope to see you there!

DATE: February 21st, 2015

Just like the last time and forever will be, details as follows:

PREPARATION = 12:00 – 1:00 pm

DISTRIBUTION = 1:00pm – 2:00pm

WHERE? Newman Centre – along Peel just below its intersection with Docteur-Penfield. and of course all round downtown Montreal.
PS: We welcome donations of any food stuffs that you may want to bring for the lovelies we’re gonna visit. Just fill in this google doc and your set!

PPS: The preparation and distribution is by no means a block activity, feel free to pop in and out of the separate events, if you aren’t too comfortable with going out into the streets of Montreal, we would love your help with preparation or will take donations and vice versa or any way around (you get the drift)


By Newman Catholic Students' Society Executive

For more information about the Newman Catholic Students' Society executive, please consult the Executive Committee page under the About menu on this website.