This week in the lectionary (mass readings) we are nearing the end of a four week read through of chapter 6 of John’s Gospel about Jesus as the bread of life. It has always been one of my favourite parts of the three year cycle of readings and a chance to reflect on the Eucharist. However, the beauty of Scripture is that it doesn’t always speak to us in the same way. This year I find myself caught by a few verses near the end. Read more: Scripture Reflection: “Lord, to whom shall we go?” (John 6:66-69) | McGill Christians Blog
Scripture Reflection: “Lord, to whom shall we go?” (John 6:66-69) | McGill Christians Blog
- Post author By Newman Catholic Students' Society Executive
- Post date August 20, 2015

By Newman Catholic Students' Society Executive
For more information about the Newman Catholic Students' Society executive, please consult the Executive Committee page under the About menu on this website.
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