A THINKfast participant shares a reflection on what they learned from the experience of a 25-hour fast in solidarity with the world’s poor and hungry:
ThinkFast gave me some needed insight on the state-of-being that is hunger, and the relationship between the giving of food and a relationship with God. Reflection with my compatriots brought me to the conclusion that in the eating of food, you give blessing and thanks to the Lord for providing the sustenance you need to live. As an agent of Christ, therefore, everyone is called to spread that extraordinary love that God has for all creation, especially those who go without food on a daily basis. Every single person is a part of this closed, complete, and complex system, and no one is above that framework; we must all act as agents of this profound love in order to keep the balance of this system in equilibrium. In the end, in the act of denying your sister or brother in Christ a simple meal, you are in some sense denying Christ himself. The fate of the gospel, let alone the world, rests in this simple truth.
Benjamin Miller